Careya arborea Roxb.

Primary Characteristics

Primary Characteristics

Careya arborea Roxb.belongs to Lecythidaceae, family.
The Arabic Name for this herb is Jazar-ul-Shaitan.
The English Names for this herb are Careya, Ceylon Oak, Wild Guava.
The Urdu Names for this herb are Boakhumba, Kumbhi, Kumbi.

Pharmacological Actions

The pharmacological Actions of Careya arborea Roxb. are Alexiteric, Anthelmintic, Anti-septic, Aphrodisiac, Carminative, Mucilaginous.


  • Anti-ulcer

  • Bark:
  • Anti-pruritic
  • Anti-pyretic
  • Demulcent

  • Flower:
  • Demulcent

  • Dried Fruit:
  • Aromatic
  • Astringent
  • Carminative

  • Indications

    The Indications of Careya arborea Roxb. are Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, Cough, Colic, Epilepsy, Leucoderma, Ulcerous Wounds, Tumors, Snake Bite, Fistula, Dysentry, Abscesses.

    The Indications of Bark of Careya arborea Roxb. are Colic, Flatulence, Cold, Cough, Constipation, Eruptive Fevers, Stomachache.

    The Indications of Decoction (bark) of Careya arborea Roxb. are Indigestion, Dysentery.

    No Contra Indication information is available for Careya arborea Roxb..


    The Temperament of Careya arborea Roxb. is 2nd order, warm and dry.

    Available Brands

    BrandManufacturer/Mnf. Representative
    HABB-E-KABID NAUSHADRIHamdard laboratories Waqf Pakistan

    Compound Preparations

    Careya arborea Roxb. is used in the preparation of Ghutti compounds.


    Whole Herb0.500g - 1.000g

    Herb's Description

    Careya arborea Roxb.. A large deciduous tree.
    Careya arborea Roxb.'s Dried Fruit. Berry, globose, green 5-7.6 cm in diameter. Crowned by calyx lobes and styles.Appears in June-July. (This information is about fresh fruit).
    Careya arborea Roxb.'s Bark. Bark dark grey, 1.3 cm, fissured, exfoliating in thin, narrow strips, fibrous inside, blaze is red; wood dull red to reddish brown moderately hard even grained, strong elastic, takes good polish; seasons well under water.
    Careya arborea Roxb.'s Leaves. leaves turn red in winter. Obavate or oblong, crenate serrate, membranous, glaucous, obtuse or shortly acuminate.
    Careya arborea Roxb.'s Flower. Spikes thick, terminal long with an unpleasant smell.Greenish-white, pink or white, 5-10.2 cms across, sessile; Calyx: 4 lobes, ovate, obtuse, imbricate; tube adnate to ovary, funnel shape. Corolla petals 4, 5 cm long, elliptic, caduceus, Stamens many filaments red or purple 5-6 cm connate below some antherless. Ovary 4-5 celled, style long, erect; ovules many, axile placentation. February -April

    Taste Odor & Occurrence

    Occurence: It occurs in Sub Himalayan Tract.. Throughout India up to an elevation of 1700 m.


    No information regarding Careya arborea Roxb.'s substitute is currently available.

    Active Constituents

    Careya arborea Roxb.'s Active constituents:


    No information regarding Careya arborea Roxb.'s antidot is currently available.

    Warning & Precautions

    Seeds are regarded as poisonous,however recommended doses of the bark and flowers in prescribed preparations are not known to cause any apparent side effects.


    Currently no Toxicity information is available for Careya arborea Roxb.. (work in progress)